Sed How to Delete Lines

The following creates a text file to be used by subsequent examples.

[~] cat > nomes.txt <<EOF
Guilherme Sofia
Gustavo Maria
Lucas Beatriz
Enzo Camila
Vinicius Amanda
Joao Bruna
Eduardo Isabela
Bruno Ana

Deleting lines

Delete line number 2

[~] sed -e '2d' nomes.txt
Guilherme Sofia
Lucas Beatriz
Enzo Camila
Vinicius Amanda
Joao Bruna
Eduardo Isabela
Bruno Ana

Delete from line 1 to line 3 (inclusive)

[~] sed -e '1,3d' nomes.txt
Enzo Camila
Vinicius Amanda
Joao Bruna
Eduardo Isabela
Bruno Ana

Delete from line 3 until the end of the file

[~] sed -e '3,$ d' nomes.txt
Guilherme Sofia
Gustavo Maria

Delete lines having the first name ending with the char o

[~] sed -e '/^\w\w*o /d' nomes.txt
Guilherme Sofia
Lucas Beatriz
Vinicius Amanda

Delete from the line starting with Lucas to line ending with Amanda

[~] sed -e '/^Lucas/,/Amanda$/d' nomes.txt
Guilherme Sofia
Gustavo Maria
Joao Bruna
Eduardo Isabela
Bruno Ana

Delete lines ending with Beatriz and the next line to it

[~] sed -e '/Beatriz$/{ N; d }' nomes.txt
Guilherme Sofia
Gustavo Maria
Vinicius Amanda
Joao Bruna
Eduardo Isabela
Bruno Ana


linux  sed